Saturday, May 28, 2011


Happy Saturday!

I love the feeling of weekends, relaxed and easy.

I recently got a new camera, and I am trying to learn how to use it in more than a basic way. . .When I start figuring that out and putting the pictures on my computer, I will hopefully have pictures to accompany these posts.

Until then, I won't.

I have recently been making these paper flower pomanders and I think they are just as cute as can be! I will post pictures soon hopefully, mine are light pink and super cute!

The other day I had a big moment. Well. . .sort of big. I paid for my June rent! How grown-up, yes? It was the first time my parents haven't paid for it, now that I have graduated and am an adult (?)

Okay, let's check out that coffee table:

 I have a new nail polish sitting on it. . .It's a really pretty color that is about a shade darker than my skin, and I like it. I got it from CVS (I'm getting into couponing again, fun fun =) for FREE! Yay for extrabucks.

Well, farewell my friends, enjoy your weekend.


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